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Planning Board Minutes 05/16/2019
Public Meeting/Workshop
May 16th, 2019

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Janet McEwen (Chair), Lynne Rosansky (Vice Chair), Mark D. Murdough (Member), Neal Pattison (Member), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio), John Anderson (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)
Members/Staff Absent: Mary Allen (Member), and John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Steve MacDonald (Alternate)
Others Present: Rick Wood (resident)
CTO: Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. She informed the Board that Mr. Edwards would be filling in for Mr. Robertson as ex-officio this evening.

I. Minutes: Chair McEwen asked the Board to review the drafted minutes from 5/2/19.
Review: Mr. Edwards questioned the wording on the 5th page. Mr. Murdough had a spelling error to be corrected.
Discussion: There was a discussion about subdivision roads, and there were several sentences removed from the minutes.
Motion:  Mr. Murdough made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Ms. Rosansky second it.
Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

II. Update on CBS Holdings, LLC. Voluntary Lot Merger
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that she received the form back from Mr. Bosse yesterday, but once again, it was signed in blue ink and not black ink like she had mentioned at the last meeting, and told him again when he came to pick up another copy on Monday. She informed the Board she emailed him to let him know, and then called the Registry to double check if it would be ok. She said the registry told her to send it in, if anything is wrong, they will send it back. She added that it was sent out in the mail today. Chair McEwen said that she never signed it. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp apologized, she was used to the other form that didn’t require a signature, and completely forgot and sent it out. If it comes back, she said she would make sure to have the Chair sign it.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said last Monday she also asked the registry about what the requirements were for the POA signature, and the registry told her that it either needs to be witnessed or notarized, and not in the 3” margin space that they require for their own use. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she emailed Mr. Bosse the following instructions. She did inform the Board that she had reached out to Attorney Eugene Wong who represents the Power of Attorney (Joel Gronsky) for Ms. Kristine Cloud. She said she told Mr. Wong that, in order to make the file the most accurate, she requested proof that Joel Gronksy had POA for Ms. Cloud, so there would be no issues down the road. She said she received both the original POA agreement, as well as the modification made in 2017. She said Mr. Wong also inquired about handling the POA signature for the registry, and that she informed him any specific questions to contact the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds, because she is not allowed to make changes to their requirements. She informed the Board that Mr. Wong submitted a second page with his notary stamp to go along with the first page with Mr. Gronsky’s signature.

III. Planning Assistant Report:
Chair McEwen said she would like to go out of order, and have the Planning Assistant Report first prior to the workshops, unless anyone objected. No one responded.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that Ms. Ogilvie was able to arrange a walkthrough of the solar array in Peterborough that was mentioned at the last meeting, and that she wanted to know who would like to attend so she can schedule a date. Ms Ogilvie said it should be in the day time, and it is a tour. It was decided that, via email, a date and time will be picked.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp also informed the Board that Ms. Ogilvie produced a copy of the drafted revisions of the Planning Board By Laws, and each member should have a copy. She added that the fee schedule was updated to reflect all the fee’s, and she gave everyone a copy of that as well. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said the conditional use permit, and the major site plan review application, were both updated, and that she emailed Kathy to update the website with them. Ms. Ogilvie said that for the site plan review, she took the registry filing fees out.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that budget wise, she received the report on 5/3/19 for the Planning Department, and they have only used 14.5% of the budget so far as of that date, so things are going ok at the moment.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that it had come to the attention of the Town Administrator that Mr. Bosse had informed the Town of Henniker, and possibly several other businesses/towns that the Town of Antrim will now only be using the Messenger  for all public notices. This has created some confusion, as it is not true, and it was only for the Planning Board. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she sent an email to Mr. Bosse regarding this, and he replied back that he informed the other entities that it was only the Planning Board, and not the whole Town. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she had found a letter that Mr. Bosse had sent the Henniker Selectboard, and it was on the Agenda for their meeting on 5/14/19, where he specifically states within the letter “Designating The Messenger as “Henniker’s newspaper of record,” as Antrim and Weare have done satisfies the law and saves the town a lot of money.” She added the letter is signed by him, and that she doesn’t want to spend a lot of time discussing this, but wanted the Board to know.  
The Chair asked if anyone has commentary on this. Mr. Pattison asked if Mr. Bosse could write a letter to retract his comment. The Chair said that he misrepresented the Board, and that she doesn’t want the Board associated with someone who would do something like that. She added she’s not going to ask for a retraction, and she doesn’t want to do business anymore with him because of this. Mr. Pattison mentioned several times how he still wants a retraction done, even if they chose to go with another paper.
The Chair asked Mr. Edwards why the Town could not pick one paper to use so everyone knows where to look for ALL notices. Mr. Edwards said that Ms. Hanson has been doing this for 15 year, and has never had anyone complain about the public notices. He explained that Ms. Hanson uses all 3 paper, and the reasons why.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp added that she was asked by Mr. Edwards to get the circulation numbers for both the Stonebridge Post, and the Messenger for comparison.  She said Mr. Bosse informed them that he drops off 300-400 papers in town, and never has any pickups. She said Mr. Pon informed her that they circulate about 400 papers in Antrim on Fridays, (300 at T Birds, 75 at Antrim Market, and others at Antrim Lumber, Town Office, Edmunds, and Tenney in season.) Mr. Pon also informed her that many Antrim residents pick the paper up at Shaw’s in Hillsborough, where he stocks 1,000 on Fridays, and then an additional 300-400 on Saturday-Monday. Mr. Pon’s overall circulation is 6,000 and his drop sites are online at He also said he can provide receipts of his drop offs for proof if need be.
Mr. Anderson brought up the possibility of if Selectman can have a conversation with the Ledger so that the public notices can be opened for free online instead of having to pay. Mr. Pattison said that Ms. Hanson already had a process in place, and that we should follow it.  
Chair McEwen said the Board needs to focus on the Planning Board public notices, and not the Town notices.
Ms. Rosansky said she wanted to walk through how we got to this point regarding newspaper notices. There was a discussion.
The Chair and Mr. Edwards had a conversation about public notices.
Mr. Anderson said he agreed with The Chair, and that there have been a few issues within the past two weeks that makes him not want to use the Messenger either.
Motion: Mr. Anderson said he would make a motion to switch to the Ledger, Mr. Edwards second it.
Discussion: Mr. Murdough wanted to know if this was temporary until a larger scale change is brought up. The Chair said it is always changeable. Mr. Anderson had a conversation about accessibility. Mr. Edwards said he could mention it Monday at the Selectboard meeting
Vote: Mr. Murdough abstained. By a voice vote, all were in agreement.
Fee Structure: The Chair suggested the fee being moved to $100 for the public notice. There was a discussion. The Chair decided that they would leave the fee alone for now, and after the next application, revisit it if need be in the future. Mr. Edwards said that on the fee schedule, he would like it noted that the fees are “subject to change,” so there is never an issue if a fee is increased or decreased.
IV. Subdivision Workshop:
The Chair said that she would like to hold off on the Bylaw review until the next meeting to give time to review the subdivision process, guidelines. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp had made 2 copies of the current subdivision regulations for the discussion this evening, and also provided each member with a copy of the current subdivision application.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp pulled the Planning Board files for the Mulhall Heights Subdivision, but the plat was missing. Ms. Ogilvie used the Knapton Circle subdivision to explain the process. She started with the application, and added that, in most cases, applicants hire someone to help them with the process where there are so many guidelines with the State. The Chair mentioned simple subdivisions. Mr. Edwards asked if Ms. Ogilvie looked at the front page of the application recently to see if it is still active, as he wasn’t aware that we still use mylars. Ms. Ogilvie said yes, we still use mylar’s and that is what goes to the registry because they have a longer shelf life. Mr. Edwards asked about number 2 on the application, and Ms. Ogilvie said that they do send electronic copies now. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp confirmed that is correct.
Ms. Ogilvie explained the certified mail process. She went into the plat size, and explained the most common size is the 22 x 34 plat. Ms. Ogilvie then explained the Notice of Decision and the Land CHIP fee.
Mr. Pattison asked about the CHIP fund, and what it does. Ms. Ogilvie explained how it is a grant program. Mr. Edwards gave a further explanation.
Ms. Ogilvie explained how that ends the part that Ms. Brudnick-Destromp takes care of before an application goes to the Board. She then went into the explanation of the checklist. Ms. Ogilvie explained that the checklist is the short hand of the Town’s Regulations so the applicant knows what the Town will need to see in order to go through the subdivision process. She added the Registry has their own requirements for the plats, and the surveyors know what to do usually when it comes to the registry requirements.
Ms. Ogilvie then went into the checklist, and explained how at this stage, the plat is just being verified that all the requirements are met. She added that this process is not to decide if it a good idea or not, it is a technical process just to make sure everything is there that has to be in order to be presented to the Board. She told the Board that the first step of the process is to vote to accept the application as complete, and then move into the public hearing to debate it.
Mr. Pattison asked what kind of conditions would cause a waiver. Ms. Ogilvie gave an example, and explained that the Board has the authorization to waive a requirement, and she will give an opinion in her staff report of any waivers requested as well.
Chair McEwen asked if it is true that if a lot is over 5 acres if they have to have a state approved septic plan? Ms. Ogilvie said yes, any lot under 5 acres needs to show septic and well for each lot approved by DES.
Mr. Anderson asked why the scale for the plat has to be the specific size mentioned on the application. Ms. Ogilvie explained that it is so the plat is large enough to read and see. Chair McEwen also added that it is the registry standards as well for when they record it. There was a discussion about house size and septic design.
Mr. Anderson asked more about the septic tank design. Mr. Pattison had a question about set back requirements for wells and septic tanks/systems. Ms. Ogilvie explained and answered their questions.
Ms. Ogilvie got into the zoning ordinance and how some of the lot coverage limits will affect a plan. She added that sometimes just meeting the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance can cause a plan to look a lot different.
Ms. Ogilvie touched on the roads, and the Mulhall Heights subdivision, and the language that was used and what should have possibly been used on the plat. She said that if it had been worded correctly on the plan and notice of decision, it would have appeared on everyone’s title search, and the owners of the homes would have known it was a private road. There was a discussion on how the realtors advertised the road incorrectly to new home owners.
Ms. Rosansky asked about Class VI roads. Ms. Ogilvie said that they are not town maintained, but they still cannot be gated. No building permit should be issued on a road that is class VI unless there is an exception, but it would require the waiver of municipal responsibility to be filed with the registry. Mr. Edwards said that Selectboard just went through a revision of the release of responsibility of liability; anytime a class VI road is improved they have to get permission from the Selectboard and the Road Agent. Ms. Rosansky said she was aware of the requirements for new construction, but what about existing residents that sell, do they need a new waiver? Mr. Edwards explained it would come out in the title search.
There was a discussion about Mulhall Farm Rd, and the differences of liability of the Town for a private road vs a Town road.
Ms. Ogilvie went over the notes on the example plat, and explained what each one is for. She went over flood plain requirements as well. She went over the commercial and residential requirements for building in a flood plain, and their differences.
Ms. Ogilvie ended with explaining who receives the abutters notifications, and then she went into site plan review. She explained that during a site plan review application, you get into traffic, parking, lighting, signage, curb cuts, and snow storage, and it’s more difficult than a subdivision. She said the file stays with the town for site plans, and does not go to the registry.
There was a conversation of shared driveways. Mr. Edwards said that Antrim’s is no more then 2 residences on a shared driveway.
Mr. Anderson asked what would happen that a subdivision wouldn’t get accepted as a completed application. Ms. Ogilvie said that it’s very rare, but it does happen. She gave a few examples, but once again added it was rare. Mr. Edwards gave a few examples as well as to why it may not get approved.
There was a small discussion about frontage requirements, road access, and back lots.
Mr. Edwards said he went through subdivision regulations and requirements, and when he gets to the road specs, he said he doesn’t know if they are 21st century best practice for road work or not. Mr. Edwards explained how sometimes you need an expert for education purpose to learn how to read a subdivision map correctly. There was a discussion of wetlands, current use, land use change tax.
The Chair asked if anyone had more specific questions. Mr. Edwards and Chair McEwen had a conversation on subdivision regulations, and Mr. Edwards asked if the Planning Board could review it and make changes necessary to update it. Chair McEwen said the Planning Board has a current list of items to review, but if the Selectboard as a whole would like the Planning Board to review subdivisions, then they can send a letter of recommendation to them.

V. Master Plan 2020 Subcommittee Workshop Sessions: Land & Business
There was not enough time to break into Master Plan subcommittees.

VI. Correspondence:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she received a letter from Granite Engineering, LLC offering their services as civil engineering specialist to the Town, and that she forwarded each member a copy for their records.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she also received a letter from the Federal Communications Commission regarding the Section 106 Filing for the Vertex Tower assets, and that she sent each member a copy of that as well. She added it was already addressed that it says in the description that it is a “monopole” tower, and that they are fully aware it is a lattice tower and it is a typo that cannot be changed now that the process has started, but all other paperwork says lattice.

VII. Other Business:
Mr. Nelson said he spoke to Ms. Robblee, and she is fine with us going to view the tower, but that it should be planned ahead of time. Chair McEwen said that it should be done with the company who owns the tower, as they are leasing the land from the Robblee’s and it’s their equipment technically. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that she could arrange a date for that as well as the solar site in Peterborough.
There was a discussion between Chair McEwen and Mr. Anderson on the Master Plan review. For the next agenda, she wants the subcommittee to come with something written up, and will go over the bylaws at that time as well.
Motion: Ms. Rosansky made a motion to close the meeting, Mr. Pattison second it.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting Adjourned:  ~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)